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Yii2 Testing

This page contains my notes about learning testing with Yii2. My environment is Windows 7.

Yii2 uses PHPUnit and Codeception to run tests.

Test Types

  • Unit - verifies that a single unit of code is working as expected;
  • Functional - verifies scenarios from a user's perspective via browser emulation;
  • Acceptance - verifies scenarios from a user's perspective in a browser.

Unit Tests

Unit tests are usually developed by people who write the classes being tested.

Functional Tests

Functional tests are generally faster than acceptance tests.


Config Files

  • Change modules > enabled > WebDriver > url and browser
class_name: AcceptanceTester
        - WebDriver:
            url: http://localhost:8080/
            browser: chrome
        - Yii2:
            part: orm
            entryScript: index-test.php
            cleanup: false


Chrome Driver

Running Tests

  • If your are working in an environment using a proxy server, unset the environment variable HTTP_PROXY:
$ HTTP_PROXY= && vendor/bin/codecept run