
How to setup struct/bureacracy

Install Required Plugins

Install thes plugins:

Create a struct Schema

Create a Form for New Pages

In the patterns:forms namespace, create a new_page page. This includes a bureaucracy form:

====== Neues Produkt anlegen ======
++++ Hilfe |

action template scrum:patterns:templates:product products :
thanks "Das Produkt wurde angelegt"

fieldset "Informationen zum Produkt"
textbox "Produktname" @
textbox "ns2" "=start" @
struct_schema "product_pattern" !


Form Notes

action template scrum:patterns:templates:product products :
action template [template]                       [destination] [separator]
thanks "Das Produkt wurde angelegt"
textbox "Produktname" @
textbox "ns2" "=start" @