====== How to setup struct/bureacracy ====== ===== Install Required Plugins ===== Install thes plugins: * [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:struct|sqlite]] * [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:struct|struct]] * [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:bureaucracy|bureaucracy]] * [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:addnewpage|addnewpage]] ===== Create a struct Schema ===== * Admin > Additional Plugins > Struct Schema Editor ===== Create a Form for New Pages ===== In the ''patterns:forms'' namespace, create a ''new_page'' page. This includes a bureaucracy form: ====== Neues Produkt anlegen ====== ++++ Hilfe | {{page>scrum:patterns:help:new_product&nofooter&inline}} ++++
action template scrum:patterns:templates:product products : thanks "Das Produkt wurde angelegt" fieldset "Informationen zum Produkt" textbox "Produktname" @ textbox "ns2" "=start" @ struct_schema "product_pattern" !
===== Form Notes ===== action template scrum:patterns:templates:product products : action template [template] [destination] [separator] * ''template'' Use the page ''scrum:patterns:templates:product'' as a template for the new page * ''destination'' Create the new page within the ''products'' namespace * ''separator'' new page names can be created by using multiple form field values. This character defines how these should be concatenated (see method 1 of section below) thanks "Das Produkt wurde angelegt" * Thanky you message which is shown when the form is submitted textbox "Produktname" @ textbox "ns2" "=start" @ * Use a single ''@'' char to make its value be used for the pagename in template mode (the value will be appended to the pagename, separated by an underscore)