posted by jwerner on Tuesday, March 31, 2020 12:03 PM

Today I published a new PHP class which generates XML for electronic invoices according to ZUGFerd / X-Factur / EN 16931 standard.

ZUGFerd / X-Factur PHP Class

The new repository at provides a PHP class to generate the XML for a ZUGFeRD / X-Factur XML file.

The XML file represents all the data required for an electronic invoice.

The electronic invoice within this context is a PDF document which has the invoice xml embedded as a file attachment.

The generated file complies to the norm EN 16931's schema FACTUR-X_EN16931.xsd (see Example/ant validation).

The PHP class assumes invoice data to be provided as a standard PHP object. See Example/invoice.php for details.

The PHP class is adopted from the original InvoicePlane class, to reflect the new ZUGFeRD version 2.1.

Please clone, check and send me a note if you like it or find errors!

Class File

  • see src/ZugferdXml.php


Find an example in the example folder.


  • zugferd_2p1_EN16931_Elektron.pdf: Master example invoice for the generated example XML
  • factur-x.xml: Inline attachment, saved from zugferd_2p1_EN16931_Elektron.pdf

  • invoice.php: Returns a PHP object with invoice master data (e.g. title, number, sums etc)

  • items.php: Returns an array with invoice line items objects
  • index.php: Instanciate ZugferdXml class with the sample data and save the generated XML file
  • factur-x_test.xml: Generated with ZugferdXml.php from invoice.php and items.php

  • build.xml: Validate the generated XML file against the schema FACTUR-X_EN16931.xsd



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Change Log

Created OnMar 31, 2020 12:03:42 PM CEST
Created ByJoachim Werner (jwerner)
Updated OnMar 31, 2020 12:03:42 PM CEST
Updated ByJoachim Werner (jwerner)